Shadows at Sunset: Sunset Trilogy ~ Book 1 Page 5
She smiled as I slowly walked toward the open door where she stood. It was still light outside, but shadows extended across the sidewalk and yard from the descending sun.
“Hi,” I said when I stopped at the doorway.
“Hello, Laken. It’s wonderful to see you.” Mrs. Thompson’s blue eyes brimmed with tears as she embraced me in a warm hug. I responded, gently placing my arms around her shoulders. Then she pulled back quickly, as if embarrassed. “I’m sorry to be so emotional, but I’m eternally grateful for what you did.”
An awkward silence hovered between us as I didn’t quite know what to say. My mother noted it and jumped in. “I need to get back to making dinner. I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” She squeezed my shoulder reassuringly before returning to the kitchen.
“How are you feeling today?” Mrs. Thompson asked.
“Fine. I was just a little sore and tired when I woke up at the hospital earlier, but that’s all.”
She touched my bandage for a quick moment. “What happened here?”
“I fell last night. I can be pretty clumsy sometimes.”
“But you were very brave to do what you did. I can’t begin to imagine where Ryder would be right now if it hadn’t been for you.”
I felt a blush heating up my cheeks. “It was nothing, really.”
“Laken, it’s anything but nothing. I want to explain what happened. Ryder was outside in the backyard playing on his swing set when I had to go to the bathroom.” She rubbed her swollen belly. “Frequent trips to the bathroom are one of the many joys of pregnancy. I could have sworn the fence gate was secured. He can’t open it, you know that. But when I returned, the gate was open and he was gone. I tried finding him myself at first, but it was hard to get through the woods carrying this extra weight.”
“You don’t need to explain. I’m sure you did everything you could to keep him safe. These things happen sometimes.”
As I smiled at her, something nagged at the back of my thoughts. If the gate really had been secured, then how had he gotten out? My smile faded as I remembered how far away he had been when I’d found him. Mrs. Thompson noticed my frown immediately and was about to say something when I asked, “How is Ryder? Has he said anything about last night?” I tried to smile again, not only to distract her from my worried expression but also to wipe out my concerns. Our town was safe. The thought that someone could have taken Ryder out of his yard sent shivers up my spine. Children weren’t kidnapped around here. Surely there was another explanation.
“He’s doing just fine. The doctors were really impressed that he only had a few scrapes and bruises. He even seemed to stay warm enough. And you know, he still doesn’t talk much. But he keeps talking about a bear. He keeps saying, ‘The bear hug me.’ Does that make any sense to you?”
Of course it did, but how could I possibly tell this woman that a full-grown black bear had helped find her son and kept him warm? “No. Does he have a teddy bear that he wanted to hug when he got home? He didn’t have one with him when he left the yard, did he?”
“No. Oh well, it’s probably just him babbling. He doesn’t make much sense, yet.” She shrugged, accepting that there was no logical explanation for his words other than the rambling of a three-year-old. “Did you get the flowers?” she asked, changing the subject.
“Yes. They’re beautiful. Thank you. I put them up in my bedroom and they smell like heaven.”
“I’m glad you like them. It’s a small token of our appreciation. We’d love to do more for you, give you a reward, but our finances are pretty tight with one young child and another one on the way.”
“That’s completely unnecessary. My reward is knowing that he’s safe.”
“Can I ask you something? How did you find him? Your dad told us a stray dog led you to him. That’s really amazing.”
“Yeah. He’s an amazing dog. Just showed up one day and I’ve been feeding him ever since.” I looked away from her for a moment as I lied.
“Is he here? I’d love to meet him.”
“No. A couple reporters came by earlier and they scared him off. He’s very shy. But I’ll leave some food out for him tonight in case he comes back.”
“Please tell him how wonderful and special he is for me. Oh, wait a minute. Is he big and black like a bear? Maybe that’s where Ryder got this idea of a bear.”
“Sort of. That must be it.” It was too easy to just agree with her so that she had an explanation for her son’s babbling.
She glanced at her watch. “I need to get home to help Wes put Ryder to bed. Thank you again, even though a simple thank you doesn’t come close to expressing how I feel right now.”
“You’re welcome,” was all I could think of to say. I could tell by the look in her eyes how grateful she was.
“Why don’t you and your parents stop by for dinner sometime? I make a killer pot roast.”
“That--would be great,” I said, forcing myself to smile. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I was a vegetarian.
“Okay. Good night, then.” She hesitantly turned to walk away, but after two steps, spun on her heels and gave me another hug. “You’re an angel,” she whispered in my ear.
After a quick squeeze, she let go and started to leave again. Only this time she kept going to her car and waved out the window as she backed out of our driveway.
I smiled and waved back before retreating into the house and closing the front door once her car had disappeared down the winding road.
After dinner that evening, I slipped out back to sit on the patio steps. The sun had dipped behind the mountains and the darkening sky had faded to purple. A chill had crept into the air, but I was warm in my fleece jacket. It wasn’t nearly as cold as last night.
I whistled softly, calling out Dakota’s name. I hadn’t seen him all day and I missed him. I was relieved that he’d had the sense to stay away today, but it felt strange not to have his company. His presence comforted me in a way I couldn’t put into words.
The back door opened and my father approached behind me as it fell shut with a bang. He sat down beside me, a steaming coffee mug in his hand. The bittersweet scent of coffee mixed with a nutty-flavored creamer filled the air. “Let him go,” my father said. “He’ll be fine, and he needs to stay away for a while until this blows over.”
“I know. I miss him, that’s all.”
My father acknowledged my sentiment with a brief nod. “The mayor called. He’s holding a town gathering on Saturday in your honor.”
“What?” I gasped. “Dad, please tell him not to. I don’t want that. I just want to go back to working at the pizza shop and being the girl that no one pays attention to. This is crazy. The reporters were enough and I answered their questions. I don’t want this being turned into a circus. Please.”
“I agree with you that it is a little crazy. But I know Mayor Hobbs, and when he decides to hold a town gathering, there’s no changing his mind. Unlike you, he loves the attention and will use any excuse to bring everyone together.”
“Do I have to go?” I knew it was a dumb question, but I had to ask anyway.
“Of course. You’re the sheriff’s daughter and the guest of honor. If you don’t show up, both of us will be in trouble.”
“I was really hoping that by the weekend, this whole thing would be forgotten. I’m not even sure I want to go back to work because I don’t want people asking me questions.”
“Unfortunately, that’s just human nature. People are curious. Didn’t you think about the fall-out of becoming a hero when you decided to traipse out into the wilderness all on your own to find Ryder?” he joked.
“No, actually, the thought never crossed my mind,” I replied honestly. “Although, even if it had, I still would have done what I did.”
“Of course you would have. Most people would enjoy the attention, you know.”
“I guess I’m not most people.”
“You never have been and you never will be,” he said lovingly. He
paused, gazing up at the milky sky that was quickly giving way to blackness. “Okay, I have an idea. You know Pete McKay who’s been the town deputy practically all his life is finally retiring, right?” I nodded. “We have a new recruit in training to take his place when he leaves at the end of the summer,” he continued. “Let me use Saturday to formally announce the transition and introduce Noah to the town. That will help draw some of the attention away from you.”
“I still wish I didn’t have to go. Can you promise me no reporters?”
“I’ll do my best, but this is the kind of thing they love.”
I sighed. I knew I would have to go to the ceremony and get through it no matter how uncomfortable it made me. “Okay, but I’m not going to like it. I don’t have to give a speech or anything, do I?”
“The mayor will probably want you to say a few words,” he admitted slowly.
“No. No, no, no. I can’t do that.”
“Yes, you can. You’ll come up with something great, I’m sure of it. But you’re going to have to deal with this. It’ll eventually be forgotten, it’s just going to take some time.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and squeezed gently. “I’m proud of you, honey.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“You’re welcome.” He paused then said, “It’s almost dark out here. I’m going in. Don’t stay out too late.”
“I won’t. I just want to wait a little longer for Dakota.” I glanced at him before he rose to his feet and retreated back into the house. As soon as the door shut behind him, the outside light turned on, casting shadows across the yard.
I leaned my elbows on my knees and looked up at the sky. It was another silent night in the chilly mountain air. No crickets chirping, no wind whispering through the leaves, just a dead calm like last night. Suddenly, a shadow moved, catching my attention out of the corner of my eye. I jumped for a moment before realizing it was Dakota. He trotted over to me, his movements as silent as the night. He was quite good at sneaking up on me. I hadn’t heard a sound before seeing him. Not a single leaf rustled beneath his paws and not a single twig snapped. He could make his way through the forest as quietly as a ghost.
When he reached me, Dakota nuzzled my neck with a greeting.
“Hi, there,” I said, rubbing the fur between his ears. “I missed you today.”
He nodded and I noticed the familiar understanding in his honey-colored eyes. Then he turned and sat next to me, his fur brushing against my legs. We both stared into the darkness, lost deep in our thoughts.
I wasn’t sure how long we sat there before I heard a low rumble coming from Dakota. He watched the trees hidden by the black cloak of night, his growl deepening.
“What is it, boy?” I asked quietly, even though I knew he couldn’t answer me.
He curled his upper lip, baring sharp fangs, as his growl grew more intense. I shivered, wishing he could tell me what he heard or sensed.
A stick snapped somewhere out in the not-too-distant forest. It was loud enough that whatever had stepped on it must have been fairly heavy. Dakota jumped to his feet, his posture tall, straight, and ready to strike. The coarse smoky black fur on his back stood straight up along his spine. He continued growling, and I knew that whatever was out there was no bear, moose, or other harmless animal. Dakota spent as much time around them as I did, and he knew none of the animals who lived here were a threat. Whatever it was, I was sure Dakota had picked up its scent. He knew exactly what was out there. He just couldn’t tell me.
I had the distinct feeling that we were being watched and my spine tingled with fear. I stood up cautiously, my eyes darting from Dakota to the woods in the direction the sound had come from.
Before I could turn back to the house, Dakota launched into a stealthy run. He crossed the yard in a few long strides before disappearing into the darkness, his shadowy figure a blur. A deathly silence hung in the night air. I shivered and hugged my arms around me, not from the cold, but from the strange feeling of being watched. After one more glance at the woods, I hurried into the safety of the house. As I shut the door behind me, I instinctively raised my hand to the light switch. But I hesitated, staring at the dim light outside the window panes.
With a deep sigh, I lowered my hand without flipping the switch. Leaving the light on made me feel safer. And for the first time in my life, I locked the door. Then I turned and headed upstairs to my room for bed, hoping that I could forget all about what had just happened.
Chapter 4
Paralyzed with fear, I watched from the front passenger seat of our SUV as the town citizens gathered on the lawn in front of a white gazebo. Young families lounged on blankets with their picnic baskets. Children kicked soccer balls and threw footballs, and adults sat in folding chairs. It was quite the crowd, and it looked like the entire town had shown up.
At least it was a beautiful day, so typical of our summers in the mountains, with bright green maple and oak trees reaching up to the blue sky. I tried to tell myself that these people had come out to enjoy the weather rather than to see me, but it wasn’t a convincing argument. The story of my rescue of Ryder had not only aired on TV, but it had also been written up in the local newspaper, The Boston Herald, The Concord Monitor, and countless others over the last few days. The people had gathered here because of me, not the gorgeous weather.
I leaned back against the head rest and closed my eyes for a quick moment before a knock on my half-open window jolted me back to reality. I turned to see Ethan leaning toward the window with a smile.
“There you are. You can’t stay in there all day.”
I pushed my sunglasses up onto the bridge of my nose as if I could hide behind them. “Why not?” I asked sarcastically.
“You’re the guest of honor. Everyone’s asking about you.”
“Great. Until this week, no one in this town knew I existed unless I was serving them pizza. I’d rather keep it that way.”
A pretty red-haired girl suddenly appeared next to Ethan, and I smiled. I wouldn’t be able to get through this day without my two best friends.
Brooke stood nearly eight inches shorter than Ethan, but that didn’t stop her from cutting in front of him. She wore her red hair cropped to her shoulders. Her fair skin was as pale as mine, and her blue eyes were nearly transparent in the bright sun.
“Hey there, hero girl,” she quipped.
“Don’t call me that,” I muttered.
She ignored my request. “You’re going to have to stop sulking and suck it up. Get out here.”
Ethan stepped aside as Brooke opened the door. Like me, she was dressed up, at least what we considered dressed up in our small town. Her floral peasant skirt and billowy white top mimicked the blue sky and puffy clouds. A silver cross hung around her neck, glinting in a ray of sunlight.
I reluctantly slid out of the SUV, tugging my light purple sundress down toward my knees as I stepped on the uneven gravel in my wedge-heeled strappy sandals. “Okay, I’m out, but I’m not happy about it.”
Brooke met my frown with a teasing smile before hugging me. “Oh, stop. It’s your big day.” As she pulled away, she sucked in a deep breath, gently brushing the faint red mark from where I had scraped my head on the rock. “That must have hurt.”
I immediately wished I hadn’t pulled my hair back into a loose side braid. Even though that kept it from blowing in the breeze, it made what was left of my bruise that much more visible. “A little,” I said with a shrug.
“You’re so nonchalant about this. If it were me, I’d be eating up all the attention. Now, you need to lose the sunglasses. It’s like you’re hiding behind them.”
I am hiding behind them, I thought. I don’t want to be here, but no one seems to care about my opinion. “Not until later. It’s sunny out here.” I wished I could keep them on through the ceremony, but Brooke was right. They would have to come off.
“Are you hungry? We have a picnic basket and a cooler over there.” Brooke pointed to a Navajo-patterned blanket
spread out under a maple tree along the edge of the lawn.
“Not at all.” The truth was, my stomach was tied up in knots over this whole event and just the thought of food made me nauseated.
“I am.” Ethan grinned. Of course he was. Like every other teenage boy, he was always ready to eat. “Let’s go.”
I followed them to the blanket, and the three of us sat down. Scanning the crowd, I saw Brooke’s and Ethan’s parents in the center. My father was wandering around somewhere to find his new recruit, and my mother had disappeared since arriving to catch up with some friends.
As Brooke opened a bag of chips and Ethan dove into the cooler for a sandwich, I continued watching the lawn for familiar faces. I recognized a lot of kids from school and groaned to myself. The last thing I wanted was this attention so close to the start of a new school year. I had managed to stay practically invisible during my high school career, and I wasn’t about to stop now. Unfortunately, I didn’t seem to have much of a choice.
My gaze came to rest on a group of four girls milling about across the lawn, and I frowned. Until I had seen them, I hadn’t been too worried about the aftermath of this circus. “Oh, no. Marlena and her friends are here,” I said.
Brooke’s eyes followed my gaze, and she, too, frowned. “What did you expect? She’s the mayor’s daughter. Of course she’s here. And she never goes anywhere without her friends. Don’t worry. I’m sure she doesn’t want to be here any more than you do.” I glanced at Brooke who quickly explained, “After all, she won’t be the center of attention today.”
“I’d gladly switch places with her,” I muttered, returning my gaze to the four girls across the lawn. Marlena was the tall one with long, platinum-blonde hair. She was the head cheerleader and the most sought after girl in our class. All of the boys were in love with her, but she treated them like toys. Her friends, also cheerleaders, followed her like puppies. A part of me envied them. Not just because they were pretty and popular, but because they were normal and they fit in, something I couldn’t relate to. As I continued watching them, a guy I didn’t recognize approached them. From a distance, I could only tell that he was tall and lean with dark hair. “Who’s that?”